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Emotional Wellness Checklist for Equestrians

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Emotional Wellness Checklist for Equestrians

The Emotional Wellness Checklist for Equestrians is your ultimate tool for boosting emotional well-being and enhancing your connection with your horse. This checklist helps you assess your emotional state, identify stressors, and apply practical techniques to improve your riding experience and bond with your equine partner.

Key Highlights:

Self-Assessment Quiz: Evaluate your stress, anxiety, and confidence levels with targeted questions.

Identify Emotional Blocks: Discover what's holding you back and affecting your relationship with your horse.

Practical EFT Tips: Get actionable Emotional Freedom Techniques to release negative emotions and reduce stress.

Personalized Action Plan: Create a custom plan to enhance your emotional wellness and strengthen your bond with your horse.

And Much More!

Ready to elevate your equestrian journey? Download the Emotional Wellness Checklist for Equestrians and start your path to a more fulfilling and connected riding experience today!

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Tina Bungener

Tina Bungener

I'm a Certified Clinical EFT practitioner and founder of EquiEFT. During Covid things held ok, I was coaching outside and training horses at my place. Afterwards, with the workload increasing, organising events etc. I went into burnout. I couldn’t find competent help (it was causing more work), we separated with my partner in life. The spiral just kept going down and down, injuries followed, until I had to close my beloved stable.

I was totally lost, i was living my purpose, but I couldn’t do it…. now what?? From this came depression, with all its joys… lol I tried selling the stable, found the perfect buyers, but they didn’t get their credit and the sale fell through. Then the housing market fell and I didn’t want to sell my beloved stable for peanuts. This went on for a while, but then I started doing EFT. By myself and with a Clinical EFT practitioner. I had started using EFT with my clients, getting great results (it was a holistic stable, we used energy work for the horses and the riders). So I thought, let’s dive into that.

I started working on my depression and the wanting to live on. Yes I was at that point. 🙁 I did 1 session a week with my Clinical EFT practitioner, and then would do 2 or 3 sessions per day, everyday by myself. When I didn’t have the strength to get up, the good thing is that it can be done in bed! Quietly things started shifting, slowly at first, but then more and more. It was unbelievable 🙂 At some point I was doing much better but I knew that if I started the stable by myself again, it wouldn’t work. I tried finding partners, and almost did, but it’s quite complicated, especially when you’re used to doing things your way.

So I continued tapping. The professional partnerships didn’t pan out for the stable, but a personal one did! I thought of doing something else, I but didn’t really want to. I knew this was my purpose in life. Then it hit me, eureka! I would mix EFT and my love for horse training! I got certified in Clinical EFT, started EquiEFT and the rest is history 🙂

I now focus mostly on EFT and only give a few horse training lessons. Coaching EFT interacts in all situations and improves peoples’ objectives with their horses; It gives them such ease and flow. I even have great EFT sessions with non horsey people.

It is such amazing energy work.

I'm a Certified Clinical EFT practitioner and founder of EquiEFT. During Covid things held ok, I was coaching outside and training horses at my place. Afterwards, with the workload increasing, organising events etc. I went into burnout. I couldn’t find competent help (it was causing more work), we separated with my partner in life. The spiral just kept going down and down, injuries followed, until I had to close my beloved stable.

I was totally lost, i was living my purpose, but I couldn’t do it…. now what?? From this came depression, with all its joys… lol I tried selling the stable, found the perfect buyers, but they didn’t get their credit and the sale fell through. Then the housing market fell and I didn’t want to sell my beloved stable for peanuts. This went on for a while, but then I started doing EFT. By myself and with a Clinical EFT practitioner. I had started using EFT with my clients, getting great results (it was a holistic stable, we used energy work for the horses and the riders). So I thought, let’s dive into that.

I started working on my depression and the wanting to live on. Yes I was at that point. 🙁 I did 1 session a week with my Clinical EFT practitioner, and then would do 2 or 3 sessions per day, everyday by myself. When I didn’t have the strength to get up, the good thing is that it can be done in bed! Quietly things started shifting, slowly at first, but then more and more. It was unbelievable 🙂 At some point I was doing much better but I knew that if I started the stable by myself again, it wouldn’t work. I tried finding partners, and almost did, but it’s quite complicated, especially when you’re used to doing things your way.

So I continued tapping. The professional partnerships didn’t pan out for the stable, but a personal one did! I thought of doing something else, I but didn’t really want to. I knew this was my purpose in life. Then it hit me, eureka! I would mix EFT and my love for horse training! I got certified in Clinical EFT, started EquiEFT and the rest is history 🙂

I now focus mostly on EFT and only give a few horse training lessons. Coaching EFT interacts in all situations and improves peoples’ objectives with their horses; It gives them such ease and flow. I even have great EFT sessions with non horsey people.

It is such amazing energy work.
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